Sunday, March 27, 2016

Why I choose Easter vigil

After a busy Saturday, and barely keeping my eyes open,  I still prefer Spray vigil to Sunday mass.   Of course there are the obvious reasons- less crowds,  nothing to do Sunday,  less stress,  etc.

The passed three years,  we have attrnded a cousins cookout then off to mass.   We get the opportunity to fellowship with family.   Laugh together.   Break bread together.   I just enjoy myself!

The drive home I'm always reminded how sleepy I am from the fabulous food we just shared and that i could use a nap.

This year Alex had to work,  so I dropped everyone off and picked him up.   After unpacking and relaxing for an hour,  the Term Commandments comes on.   I'm able to watch 30 minutes prior to getting ready for mass.

This year Alex sat worth me while Mao served.  I always enjoy the lighting of the 2016 candle and the chanting by the cantor- just beautiful.  However,  my favorite is the baptism of the elect and the renewal of our baptismal vows.   It is a reminder that Satan is alive and it is our job as Christians to reject him.  

The past two years have been really tough.   On me personally and it had effected or family as well.   Alex had done everything possible to ensure his failure.  However,  this night I realized it is Satan working through him and I have to rebuked it.  Satan is using him top get a reaction out of me.   It has resulted in me losing my joy.   I'm exhausted and no longer want to be anywhere near my family- that is not who I am.   At mass tonight,  I'm reminded that is not who I'm going to be!

We welcome the new baby catholics into our parish.   The rain had held out.   We hear home to change and relax.   My husband and kids watch a movie.   I retire to the bedroom to continue the term commandments.   The network should start this epic at 4pm or cut back on the commercials.   At 11:45 I gave in !!  We were just leaving Egypt.   How is it possible the past three years and I've missed the paying off the rec sea???  Too many commercials !!!

Happy resurrection day!  Alex had to work on this Easter morning.   I had a few things to pick up at the grocery store,  so I packed in driving him.  He is watching me in the kitchen.   I was sweeping and talking about picking up a new mop,  so I can clean the floors today.   He is in the conversation.   After I finished and put the broom away,  he pulls out both of his pockets and shakes the sand into the newly swept floor.   I was shocked to say the least.   I asked Alex why he did that on the floor I just swept and he said, " I don't know,  just felt like it."  My normal response of late would have been to yell flip out.   This morning after renewing my baptismal vows,  go away Satan,  I rebuke you! 

The response was shocking,  he put his pockets back and his face changed.  He was the sweet Alex again.  Whatever possessed him was gone.   No yelling,  no anger,  just Satan be gone.   I'm still amazed.  

Short story- no one can take the love and joy from you unless you let them.  The battle is real.   Exhaustion and the every day business of life is overwhelming.  The reminder of God's love and how real it is makes every Easter season real?

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